Tuesday 24 December 2013

Dark Sunglasses Suit Sarah Jessica Parker Well

Dark Sunglasses Suit Sarah Jessica Parker Well

Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker and dark sunglasses go hand in hand. They complement each other really well and they should always be seen together. So, it was not surprising to find Miss Parker wearing a pair of black sunglasses while taking her twin daughters to school in New York City. 
The twins were dressed in identical clothes while their mother was dressed in different shades of gray! Yes, that’s right! Everything Sarah Jessica Parker wore, from her jacket to her boots, all were a different shade of gray. It looks like she is really in love with that color. On the other hand, her twins were dressed in bright colors like pink and maroon! 

Her husband, Matthew Broderick and her son James, were not seen accompanying her and she looked quite delighted while walking with her daughters amidst the snow. In spite of the fact that she wore spectacles, one of stylish glasses frames for women, we could see the sheer joy on her face! It sure looked like she was enjoying a very normal thing like taking her daughters to school to the fullest. Though her fashion glasses covered her eyes, we are sure that they were twinkling with happiness as well.

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